Voting for What Needs to Be Said

So I am in another voting game, and I am losing pretty bad.  What do I do?  I call on my blog readers for some help–that’s what I do.  😉

Here’s the deal.  Over at Said at Southern, there is a contest for the best tag line, and I submitted several.  One made it into the final round, and it is “Because Some Things Just Have to be Said.”  I even gave a proof text: Acts 4:20.  🙂

If you care to chip in with a vote, you can go to this post, and select the second option (“Because Some Things Just Have to be Said”).  We’ve come back before, and I think another ninth inning might be coming on!

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20 Comments on “Voting for What Needs to Be Said”

  1. Tony Kummer Says:

    Tim – I can always count on your competitive drive to make these contests interesting.

  2. Maybe we can Drew to work something into the hometown newspaper, eh, Timmy?

  3. Jerry Says:

    I would vote, but…

    …I already voted the other day. You have to admit that the “Southern accent” thing is kind of catchy. (And anyway, I voted before discovering that you were in the race.)

  4. Matthew Svoboda Says:

    I voted for it! I think it is clearly the best option. The one in the lead makes us seem like hillbillies or something… I am not sure, but I don’t like it!

  5. Bobby Gilles Says:

    Done. I love that tag line — great idea!

  6. Tony,

    You know, I *am* a little personally invested in SAS. Remember March 2007 when P&P gave it some early love?


    Yeah, I noticed Drew is doing that now. He’s putting up some pretty cool ads.


    Here’s my response to Bro. Hank about the Southern accent thing:

    But Hank,

    Are you not discriminating against those who are not south of the Mason-Dixon line? Don’t we want SAS to become “all things to all people”? Blog paternalism can be an abuse thing, you know. I am much more inclined for technological indigenization. I mean, no need to hate when you bloviate. 😉

    There will come a time where those without a northern accent will need to say something, and I am not prepared to have them put it in the King’s English or the Southern man’s slang. What sayest thou?

    From down yonder,


  7. Matthew,

    You have supported my tag line from the beginning. I appreciate that! You know, I thin Boyce and Broadus would have liked my tag line too, but here’s for speculation. 🙂


    Thanks man! And, btw, I really am enjoying what you guys are doing at SojournMusic!

  8. brotherhank Says:

    I think Jerry made the right choice…

    …I’m just saying…

    btw, If I lose this thing, you can bet I’m coming out with a 10-week series on birth control with a “southern accent”. Not a threat…just a promise.


  9. Bro. Hank,

    A ten week series o birth control? I must say that is pretty intimidating. I thought you were going to write on theology of the Gaithers or something.

    BTW, for a true Southern accent, you need to talk to my wife. 😉

  10. brotherhank Says:

    Man, first you knock the southern accent, and then Southern Gospel!? Now this means war…

  11. You see, that’s it. Us Southerners are always in for a fight. Look it, brother Hank–we have enough “Baptist Battles” don’t you think? I mean, I drink sweet tea (real sweet tea), eat cornbread and mashed potatoes, and I even listen to country music a time or two. Now that’s what I call building bridges.

    Even though the Bible was written in a common man’s language (Koine Greek), I doubt that Jesus had a southern accent. Wouldn’t you agree?

  12. brotherhank Says:

    That’s just it Timmy. Jesus did have an accent, and that’s what made him so “real”. He taught with a twang that was as natural as the blood running through his veins. And so did his disciples. After all, wasn’t it Peter’s accent that proved that he’s been with Jesus (Matt 26:73)? And our theological accent should be no different – it should tell of where we’ve been, and who we’ve been with. A “southern accent” is not a regional thing, it’s a relational twang — and it’s been passed down to us by men like Basil Manly, John Broadus, and the like. Oh yes, they “Said” a lot of things, but it sounded different than what everyone else was saying…

    Say “Uncle”….say “Uncle”…. lol.

  13. Tony Kummer Says:

    I still consider you one of our “founders” and certainly our most infamous contributor – although I have a few things in the mischief maker that might give you a run.

    But, I’m going to let the poll run it’s course, unless I can create controversy.

  14. Bro. Hank,

    So I guess you are now going to tell me that Jesus and all his disciples sported mullets, right?


    You are a good at a long of things, controversy being near the top. You and your NASCAR laptop has produced considerable mischief in a relatively short period of time. But hey, you got an article in the Baptist Press. You are denominationally approved, my friend.

  15. theophilogue Says:

    Sorry Tim,

    I’ve already casted my vote. I liked yours second best, but I thought the double entendre was the most witty. Not sure who’s idea that one was.

  16. theophilogue Says:

    Opps … that is, the double entendre of “Southern Accent”

  17. theophilogue Says:

    it’s actually a quadrule entendre (if that’s a word), since Southern and Accent can BOTH can be taken in two different ways

  18. theophilogue Says:

    quadruple (sorry)

  19. brotherhank Says:

    @ Timmy –

    Indeed, it’s possible Peter sported some El Camino hair of his own, along with James and John’s version of the Kentucky Waterfall. You can’t prove they didn’t… 🙂

    @ theophilogue – that’s exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that too – “quadruple entendres, represent!” And here Timmy is trying to paint and provocate it as some kind of backwoods motto for hillbillies. Shame on him.

  20. Brother Hank,

    It looks like you have taken a clear lead, but I will not concede that Peer had an El Camino haircut. 😉

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